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Rules of Conduct for this site


It's been said that Christians are the only group that organizes their firing squad in a circle. Unfortunately, with how much we try to tear each other apart over differences in doctrines and beliefs not related to Salvation, we set a poor example to the world. It's no wonder athiest laugh as us and non-Christians hold us in derision. 

Jesus said the world will know we are His Diciples by how we love each other. That said, anyone wishing to interact on this site will act with maturity and show respect. Disagreement is fine. Bashing people for disagreeing with you is not. Beating up Straw-men is not. Character slander is not. Nit-picking inane details to distract from the point someone is trying to get across is not. In essence, love your fellow man like Jesus told you to. Don't act like a Middle School bully in the cafeteria getting a rise out of picking on children you think are good targets. This is ugly behavior, casting Christians in a poor light, and misreprenting the one you claim to be following and serving. 


Jesus also got angry with men for quoting men trying to refute and dispute scripture. That said, there will be zero tolerance of anyone quoting theologians over the Bible to try and prove their own pet doctrines and beliefs. Theologians are men. The Bible is the Word of God. Men are fallible. God is not.


Apocraphal writings may be quoted and referenced on this site as long as you understand they are not scripture, merely historical documents on par with the writings of Josephus. That said, anyone preaching that the King James Version is the only version of the Bible that can get you saved will also not be tolerated. The KJV was traslated and copied down by men. As stated above, men are fallible. 


There will be zero tolerance of anyone claiming their favorite way to say the names of God and Jesus is the only correct way. For those of you affiliating yourselves with the 'Sacred Name Movement' go study what linguists describe as transliteration. If you feel more comfortable using the tranliterations YHWH, Yaweh, Yahovah, Jehovah, Jashua, Yeshuah, Yahushua, etc, that is your choice. Understand, there is power in the name of Jesus. People are saved in the name of Jesus. Demons tremble at and run screaming in terror at the name of Jesus. And Paul taught that you speak to men at their level of understanding, comporting yourself in a way that they understand. When you speak with people who understand that Jesus is merely a transliteration of His actual name, then you should absolutely use a pronunciation that is probably closer to how people of His day referred to him. When you are speaking with most people of today, use the pronunciation they understand.


In short, follow the two commandments Jesus said are the two most important. Love God. Love other people. Love God by representing Him well, trying to follow His example, putting His Word above what men say or think, and not vainly claiming to be His follower or taking his name on yourself. Love other people by showing them respect, even if you disagree with them. If someone needs correction, do it gently, especially considering that whether you recognize it or not, you may be the one in the wrong, not them. Keep in mind, your words can be sharp as blades. Do not use them to purposely cut other people to pieces.

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