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Ecclesiastes 1:9  

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be;

and that which is done is that which shall be done:

and there is no new thing under the sun.


Abraham received a prophecy concerning his seed. They would live oppressed in a land they did not own for 400 years. He was not told which generations of his seed would live out the prophecy. He was not told it would all take place in only one land, or multiple lands. He was not told if it would be the entirety of his seed, or just a portion. 


The Bible indicates that this prophecy was fulfilled when the Children of Israel walked out of slavery in Egypt in a great Exodus. 

The Bible also says events happen more than just once.


This prophecy is playing out again in the United States of America.


Keep in mind, this is not a prediction of the end of the United States as a country. Egypt obviously survived the Hebrew Exodus. So if the USA is truly following the same path, she will survive as well. This is not setting a date for the supposed pre-tribulation rapture, or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. When Jesus comes it will be for the entire world, and the USA is not the whole of the world.

This is simply a warning of some hard times that may be ahead of us. Is it setting a date? Not really. People could repent and change or delay the course of things. Nineveh did and they got an extra forty years before disaster struck them.


Some might argue that date setting is okay because Daniel definitely proclaimed a set date. But what he proclaimed was that night, it was already happening and underway. The Bible does not record him saying anything about that specific date beforehand. 


Think of the saying, "A watched pot never boils." On the surface, this phrase seems ridiculous. Of course it will boil if it stays on the heat long enough, whether someone watches it the entire time or not. Look deeper. If you watch a pot of water go through the process of heating up to a boil, it's a gradual thing. There is no fine line where everything goes from calm water to roiling bubbles trying to froth over the sides of the pot. A few tiny bubbles form on the bottom of the pot. Then a few float up to the surface. Then a few spots get a little steady stream of bubbled. Then a few more spots. Then you start getting bubbles in between the streams. Then...... you may not realize the pot is already boiling because you're watching the individual bubbles, just like "missing the forest for the trees."


When the MedoPersians took the city of Babylon in Daniel's time, the citizenry did not even realize it until a few days had passed. When Jesus came, people didn't realize it was Him, some people still don't 2000 years later. Cataclysmic events don't happen in reality like they do in our imaginations, so most people quite often do not recognize them for the signifance they hold until afterwards.


The United States is no different. Events are coming. They will be spread out over months and a few years. People will not recognize the chain of events for what it is while they are going through them. Then after they're over, many will refute what they were because they will not fit how they imagine such things should happen. 


Prepare what you can for crossing over to the other side of this chain of events. If you are in God's will, He will protect you from what you cannot prepare for, and He will make sure you land in a good place on the other side. 

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